How to Create a Google Word Document

By: Noah Snipes-Rea

Have you ever wondered how to create a Google Word Document? Well wonder no more! Follow these simple steps to find out!

Required Steps:

  1. Open up
  2. Make sure you have a Google account and are signed into it.
    Don't have one? Click here!
  3. Here is an image of what the Google homepage looks like:
    there should be an image here. What's wrong?
    Notice the circled icon in the top right of the screen that looks like this:
    there should be an image here. What's wrong?
    Click on that icon.
  4. Scroll until you get to the Google Drive image that looks like this: there should be an image here. What's wrong?.
  5. You should be brought to a page with the word "Drive" in the top left of the screen, as well as a bar on the left side of the screen. Here's a picture of what a drive looks like, although yours might be empty.
  6. If you look at the image above, you'll notice a box that looks like this:
    there should be an image here. What's wrong?
    Click on that and a bar that looks like this:
    there should be an image here. What's wrong?
    Next, click on the words that say Google Docs.
  7. After doing this you should be brought to an empty word document that should look like this:
    there should be an image here. What's wrong?
    And congrats! You successfully created a Google Doc!